The Science of Yoga by William Broad, 2002

Gune: idea that yogis absorb large quantities of oxygen in pranayama is a myth

Scientists physiological evidence that yoga can reduce stress, heart rate, blood pressure; boost immunity and prevent disease
lowers cardiovascular disease risk factors
reduced signs of artherosclerosis
raises level of antioxidants in bloodstream and lowers oxidative stress

clinical studies show yogis have fewer hospital visits, less need for drug therapy, smaller number of coronary events

counteracts aging:
improves balance (fewer falls)
counteracts deterioration of discs, yoga teachers have significantly less degenerative disease, spinal flexing might increase flow of nutrients or stimulate production of growth factors that limit aging

vagus- most imp nerve in body, from brainstem to torso, it regulates and slows heartbeat also regulates immune system; fights inflammation, success with rheumatoid arthritis

improves longevity, DNA tips called telomeres shorten over time each time cells divide; everyday chronic stress erodes telomeres so reducing stress slows biological clock

2008: team of UCSF scientists studied 24 men, 50-80 years old, did yoga 1 hour daily 6 days week, levels of telomeres increased 30%

in 1 study, yogis did not increase aerobic health as much as cyclists, but reported better sleep, health, energy, endurance and flexibility

yogis apply the brake to slow metabolism and engage parasympathetic nerve

shoulder stand, chin pressure on carotid arteries makes local pressure high and engage parasympathetic by cutting heart, circulatory rate
inversion cause the heart to slow dramatically increasing flow of blood to right atrium

Benson's relaxation response refers to hypometabolism (low energy expenditure)

yoga reduced basal metabolic rate (burn fewer calories)
GABA levels rise (one study in 2007, up 27%): gamma aminobutyric acid, a neurotransmitter and regulator of nervous system; low levels linked to depression, promotes relaxation and reduces anxiety

(and note this follow up study from 2010: confirming that yoga better than walking....

increases testosterone (cobra, bow wheel)


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