Matthew Sanford Webinar and the Waking Book


pp22-23  describes his mind handling extraordinary pain. not disassociating but "the silence  wihthin my consciousness both separated and connected me simultaneously." a halo effect, a moving away from body; uses dislocation to handle pain; uses silence

healing stories: what are mine?

silence from spinal cord injury; just an immediate way of what happens to all of us through aging; over time the body becomes slower to respond, m;ore likely to sit at rest; more content to observe than act. what aspect of consciousnesss will traverse the gap between mind and body?

feeling of disconnection and silence left to fester: The same thing occurs if we fail to stay present as we move into old age

p194 he feels energetic sensation and release
"phantom feelings" linked to energy channels, Eastern medicine

 p191 maha mudra was the breakthrough pose and moment

You are living and dying simultaneously. This is the story of our aging consciousness. It is both the beginning and the end, ... Life and death, silence and action , emptiness and fullness at the same time -- these are inward features of everyone's life.

What moves a person to action?

The experience of presence in the body is a precious gift.


teachers as a door opener

figure out for them to have the sensation of asana not necessarily to exact pose; adapt sensations
so how to feel in own practice; what's important in an asana and how it feels different from other ones

adaptive is not gentle yoga

subtle body doesn't discriminate; sensations of subtle body: how does awareness move through body without muscular action? prana follows consciousness more than breath
so how do you get someone to sense breath through whole body if paralyzed

consciousness and mind are not the same

subtle body: relief and action simultaneous in yoga pose; boundaries allow expansion unless too restrictive
Iyengar showed pranic wisdom;
need a center of gravity and a sense of teach direction; sense of direction is revealed in poses through precision and alignment and that's how principles of yoga don't discriminate; that's what you can pass on
alignment creates mind body connection; creates prana in bones, things moves better through whole body; Iyengar yoga tries to access subtle body; like distributing through every edge of container of body;

tadasana in every pose; that's why crucical....

you have to go down to go up and principle in all poses, and in to go out; yoga poses are always moving in more direction at once  ** this is something it took me a few years to learn early on; the poses looked static until I could understand there was action within them, action even when it looks frozen and stationary**

the tadasana of sitting; pressing down through sitting bones and broad chest with lifted sternum

teach accessible poses at very core level; that fits a group with many types of bodies; teach at universal level to reveal...; so you have to understand what's universal to teach and requires self-study, experience the sublteties and it reveals universality;

look at his 45 minute point to review his principles

introduces relief as a means of prana; you show a sweet spot of muscular action; there' an ioptimal space


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