Fibonacci Sequence: mindful and mindless knitting

My first exercise in using art as contemplative meditation: I decided to try ways of applying the Fibonacci sequence of numbers "the golden ratio" in a knitting project. I have two ideas for this.
First is to use the sequence to make stitch increases in the number of rows that corresponds to the new total after increases. Second will be to knit squares and then embroider a spiral on top as a demonstration.

Noticing that counting the numbers in the Fibonacci requires focus, I realized that I can knit with the intention of mindfulness, using pattern creation as contemplative meditation. Counting becomes the mantra. This is in contrast to knitting used as a mindless escape--knitting while watching films, knitting while listening to podcasts etc...A true focus on the knitting only occurs when I reach a new stage in the project or when I must solve a problem. Knitting the Fibonacci sequence then will be a form of meditation for me.

Taking this approach, I grew observant. What pattern would emerge? What problems did I need to solve? Before landing on a solution I would invest my time in I experimented first with different yarns for different effects, then with different stitches, and then with different needle sizes to create a looser or tighter knit.

Take 1

Take 2

Take 3


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