December Weekend on Pranayama

The approach of winter feels like a good time to go inward, a form of hibernation, and explore the breath. It is both a way to become calm and find silence and quiet, as well as a way to scrub clean and open air channels that become challenged from being so much indoors and breathing indoor air with its dust, dryness and heat.

Learning again some of these practices shows me how much I need to practice and learn and gives me a glimpse of how deep the practice can become. I'm on further on the path than I was a year ago, and when I practice early morning it is rewarding. Challenges: widening the rib cage (though a sense of light soreness or exercise shows they have been worked over the weekend); working with my narrow sinus passages, small jaw and deviated septum.

I feel very familiar with ujjayi and bhramari,  and vilomas are now clearer. Kapalabhati and Bhastrika I like and practice but have clues how to improve. Mula band and toning the pelvic floor is a very good reminder to me for regular practice. Nadi sodhana I have not practiced in many years and this was a much deeper reentry. Likewise Uddiyana bandha (didn't a teacher once compare it to a washboard or laundry machine?) By that time on Sunday, I felt hungry and saturated so it was hard for me to concentrate and focus. Something to work on. It helped after I went out to lunch with a few people and learned they, too, felt they were in deep water, which at least helped me then feel I was not over my head.

Great shirt!
But noticing what is deeply challenging and even difficult shows there is more to explore and that yoga is a wide territory. That helps answer the question people ask about advanced training: How much more can you learn about yoga? There is still more to learn? Oh yes!

Blanket support II
To do list:
 neti  nauli dhauti  kapalabati  basti  tratak  : that is  in  Hatha  Yoga  Pradikipa. I was missing  one name….so  here  is the  list !
For those who  dont  get  uddhiyana bandha  and  nauli  then  get  it  !
Gradually  Kapalabati  and Bhastrika  up  to  a  minute  cycle   then   counter breath  : ujjayi ,  long  inbreath  with  antara  kumbhaka. . repeat the  cycle.
For ujjayi  and  viloma  supine,,  increase  length  gradually  until  the  4 parts  are  about  a  minute….try  different  ratio.
refine  the  seats.  and  explore  the  supports  lying  down…

Read  again  the  sutra  on  pranayama  in Patanjali   (  sutra 48  to  52 , second  chapter  )  in BKS Iyengar  ,   Edwin  Bryant  etc...


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